The information in this section has been provided by SGN's Treasury team and is directed to institutional investors and analysts interested in SGN.
SGN operates a centralised treasury function which is responsible for the management of financial risks of the Group as a whole and each of Scotland Gas Networks plc and Southern Gas Networks plc (the “Regulated Entities”) on a standalone basis. The treasury function does not operate as a profit centre, nor does it enter into speculative transactions.
Treasury activities are overseen by the Finance Committee, which meets on a periodic basis throughout the financial year. The Finance Committee is comprised of four directors (one from each of SGN’s shareholders) plus one statutory independent non-executive director. The Treasurer reports on a regular basis to the Finance Committee. The Board reviews and approves all major treasury decisions.
Information on SGN’s debt issuance is available below. Information on annual reports and accounts, constitutional documents, regulatory reports and other publications are available on our reports and publications page.
Group structure

Senior unsecured credit ratings and outlooks
Rating Agency |
Company |
Fitch |
Moody's |
S&P |
Scotland Gas Networks plc |
BBB+ (Stable) |
Baa1 (Stable) |
BBB (Stable) |
Southern Gas Networks plc |
BBB+ (Stable) |
Baa1 (Stable) |
BBB (Stable) |
Issuer credit ratings and outlooks
Rating Agency |
Company |
Fitch |
Moody's |
S&P |
Scotland Gas Networks plc |
BBB (Stable) |
Baa1 (Stable) |
BBB (Stable) |
Southern Gas Networks plc |
BBB (Stable) |
Baa1 (Stable) |
BBB (Stable) |
Credit rating agencies reports
Fitch Ratings:
Previous ratings actions and reports can be found at
Moody’s Investor Services:
- Scotland Gas Networks plc - Moody’s Investors Service report dated 20 June 2024
- Southern Gas Networks plc - Moody’s Investors Service report dated 20 June 2024
S&P Global Ratings:
Long-term debt issuance and committed bank facilities
Details of the current outstanding long-term debt issued by Scotland Gas Networks plc, Southern Gas Networks plc and SGN Midco Limited and committed bank facilities are available below.
Long-term debt maturity profile
The maturity profile of long-debt issued by Scotland Gas Networks plc, Southern Gas Networks plc and SGN Midco Limited is available below by i) funding type and ii) by coupon type.
Prospectuses and final term sheets of the regulated entities
Use the link below to access these documents.