
If you're a British Sign Language (BSL) user, you can use SignLive to contact us.

Its free to call SGN using SignLive. You will be connected to a qualified online BSL interpreter who will relay the conversation between you and one of our team. You can use SignLive on your mobile phone, tablet or computer.

You can also use SignLive for face-to-face conversations between with you and our colleagues. 

If you need to report a gas emergency, you can also use SignLive to contact the National Gas Emergency Service. Log in to SignLive on the app or a computer and look for 'National Gas Emergency Service' in the community directory. 

Media library video
An external video is provided after the video External link to video

How to use SignLive to contact us

  1. Download the SignLive app from the App Store or Google Play. Or login to SignLive on a computer.
  2. Sign up for an account. You only need to do this once.
  3. Look for 'SGN’ in the community directory.
  4. Calling us through SignLive's community directory is free.
  5. If you have a technical problem with SignLive, email