In April 2024, we’ll re-start our work to upgrade our old metal gas mains with new plastic pipe in the Warwick Road area of Thornton Heath.
We undertook the first part of the project last year and due to the increased use for gas over the winter period we’ve had to wait until now to complete the upgrade when demand has eased.
Our contractor I&G will be carrying out this project for us and it is part of a wider programme of work by our teams in the local area this year.
The work in Warwick Road will begin on Tuesday 2 April. Also during phase 1, Melfort Road will be closed in both directions between the junctions of Braemar Avenue and Strathyre Avenue.
Phase 2 will involve work in Braemar Avenue for six weeks and in phase 3 we will move to Bridport Road, where the project is due to finish at the end of July. This phase will also involve some activity in Warwick Road.

For safety reasons, we will need to close the junction of London Road and Warwick Road throughout all three phases, until the end of July.
A signposted diversion will be in place for vehicles, approved by Merton Borough Council. Access for homes, businesses, pedestrians and cyclists will be maintained.
Other road closures will be required in phases 2 and 3, and we will publicise the information about this nearer the time.
You’ll see our teams working in the area and we’ll have to dig on footpaths and roads to upgrade our network. You might also see our site welfare and storage areas in the area, as agreed with the local authority.
We don’t expect to interrupt gas supplies during the project.