Portsmouth, Cambridge Road

Update: Monday 3 March

We're making excellent progress in replacing our gas main along Cambridge Road. These works are currently under a directional lane closure.

To complete the final connections, from Thursday 6 March to Monday 31 March, we’ll need to temporarily close St Michael's Road northbound on the gyratory (alongside Mercantile House).

Traffic heading northbound will be diverted westbound along Cambridge Road to the roundabout to then head back towards St Michael's Road.

We’re sorry for any inconvenience this work may cause.


Original post

Our specialist contractors are working to replace the gas main between Cambridge Road roundabout and St Michaels Road in Portsmouth.

These works have been planned with urgency due to ongoing gas escapes on this section of the gas main. By replacing the old metallic gas pipes with new plastic pipes, we can avoid further gas escapes and disruptive emergency repairs. 

Due to the location of the gas main in the road and the engineering complexity of our work, we need to carry this work out with traffic management in place, which will change as we progress.


Monday 6 January – for one week

Temporary two-way traffic lights will be in operation around our work area.


Monday 13 January – for five weeks

A westbound directional road closure will be in place with no right turn from Burnaby Road onto Cambridge Road. 

This westbound closure will mean vehicles will only be able to travel eastbound on Cambridge Road between Cambridge Road roundabout and St Michaels Road.


Monday 17 February – for five weeks

St Michaels Road will be temporarily closed northbound outside Merchantile House.

This closure will mean no access along St Michaels Road northbound from the junction with Hampshire Terrace. A signed diversion route will be in place along Cambridge Road, round the roundabout and back along Cambridge Road.


Important information

  • Vehicle access to properties/businesses within road closures will be maintained, with the team on-site liaising with all affected on local access arrangements.
  • Bus routes may be impacted – we advise passengers to contact their service provider for the latest updates and changes to their service.
  • Bin collection day will remain unchanged unless otherwise advised by the service provider.


We appreciate how disruptive road our work can be for the local community. Our engineers will be doing all they can to complete these works as quickly and as safely as possible.

Thank you for your support and understanding.