Update: 7 March 2025
Southbound lane closure for gas works on Dyke Road
From Monday 10 March for approximately three weeks, we will be closing Dyke Road to southbound traffic from the junction of Upper Drive to outside the Audi Garage.
This unplanned urgent closure has been agreed with Brighton and Hove Council to enable engineers to carry out vital connections to maintain gas pressures in the gas network. To avoid several sets of multiway traffic lights causing significant disruption to traffic and access to businesses, a decision has been made to close the southbound lanes as the safest and least disruptive option.
A signed diversion route for southbound traffic via Upper Drive, Old Shoreham Road and back onto Dyke Rd will be in place.
Vehicle access to the Audi Garage and businesses within the closure will be via the northbound carriageway.
Bus routes will be diverted – to replace the bus stop outside the public house, a temporary bus stop will be located in the parking bays outside 60 to 66 Upper Drive.
Original post
Since Monday 6 January, we've been replacing our old metal gas pipes with new plastic pipes along Dyke Road in Hove. These essential works are required to provide a permanent solution to gas escapes and ensure we can continue to provide residents and businesses with a safe and efficient gas supply. By replacing the pipes now, we can avoid future leaks and disruptive emergency repairs on this section of old gas main.
Due to the location of the gas pipes in the road, we've been carrying out these works under traffic management. We’ve planned these works in the following phases to minimise disruption wherever possible.
Note: the following timelines are for guidance, timelines are approximate and may change as we progress.
Phase one
From Monday 6 January for approximately eight weeks
Working from opposite Dyke Park to the junction with Upper Drive
For everyone's safety around our work area, we'll need to use temporary two-way traffic lights. Parking bay suspensions will be in place as we progress between junctions.
Bus stop suspensions – we advise passengers to contact their service provider for the latest updates on changes to bus stop locations
Phase two
From Monday 3 March for approximately five weeks
Working from the centre of the junction with Dyke Road at the crossroads with Upper Drive to the junction with Wincombe Road
For everyone's safety around our work area, we'll need to use temporary traffic lights to replace the existing lights as we work across the junction. Parking bay suspensions will be in place as we progress between junctions.
Bus stop suspensions – we advise passengers to contact their service provider for the latest updates on changes to bus stop locations
We appreciate the nature of our work is disruptive for local road users and the wider community. We'll be doing everything we can to complete these works as quickly and as safely as possible.
We’re sorry for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your continued patience and understanding.