Ashford (Willesborough), A2070 Kennington Road


Update - Friday 7 March

This week, we've replaced approximately 250m of our gas main along A2070 Kennington Road. We've also upgraded service pipes to adjoining properties between its junctions with Blackwall Road North and Silver Hill Road.

From Monday 10 March, Silver Hill Road will be closed for safety between Kennington Road and Abbey Way. This closure will be in place for two weeks.

All businesses around our closure area remain open as usual. This includes The Hooden Bar & Grill on Silver Hill Road.

We’re preparing to carry out essential gas network upgrades in the Kennington Road area of Willesborough. This work will ensure a continued safe and reliable supply of gas is delivered to nearby homes and businesses. This is part of our 30-year programme of work to replace our old mains, reaching the end of their useful lives, with new, reliable plastic pipe.

Our contractor, I&G Contracting, who are completing this project on our behalf, will be starting work in the week beginning Monday 3 March. We expect this project to last for approximately 27 weeks.

To ensure everyone’s safety, we’ll need to close some of the roads around our work site while we have excavations open.

We’ll be carrying out this project in three phases.


Phase one

A2070 Kennington Road and Silver Hill Road

From Monday 3 March for approximately thirteen weeks

We’ll be working along the A2070 Kennington Road from the junction with Blackwall Road North, past the William Harvey Hospital to the junction with The Street. For everyone’s safety, we’ll have a rolling road closure around our work site.

From Monday 10 March for approximately two weeks, we’ll also need to close Silver Hill Road from the junctions of Kennington Road and Abbey Way. The existing one-way order on Silver Hill Road will be suspended to allow residents access via Lees Road.

When our engineers reach the junction with Lees Road we’ll remove our road closure and complete the remaining work down to the junction of The Street using temporary traffic lights. We expect the closure on Kennington Road to be in place for approximately nine weeks.

Media library image
A map outlining phase one of our work in A2070 Kennington Road Ashford, as detailed on this page

Phase two

Lees Road and Silver Hill Road

From Monday 9 June for approximately seven weeks

We’ll be working on Silver Hill Road from Abbey Way to Lees Road, and on Lees Road to the junction with A292 Hythe Road. For everyone’s safety, both roads will be closed to through traffic. The existing one-way order suspension will remain in place, and temporary traffic lights will be used to provide safe access for residents.

Media library image
A map outlining phase two of our work in A2070 Kennington Road Ashford, as detailed on this page

Phase three

A292 Hythe Road and Lees Road/Silver Hill Road

From Wednesday 23 July for approximately seven weeks

We'll be working from the junction of Lees Road to outside number 425A Hythe Road. For everyone’s safety, we’ll need to close Hythe Road around our work site. Lees Road will remain closed at its junction with Hythe Road for the duration of workaccess for Lees Road will be via Silver Hill Road (junction with Kennington Road) with the existing one-way order suspension still in place.

Media library image
A map outlining phase three of our work in A2070 Kennington Road Ashford, as detailed on this page

To reduce future disruption, we’ll be working in collaboration with UK Power Networks on the A2070 Kennington Road and Silver Hill Road.

UK Power Networks have arranged a public drop-in session on Wednesday 19 February at Willesborough WI Hall, 100 Church Road, Willesborough TN24 0JG from 12 noon to 6.30pm to discuss their project. SGN will be attending this event to answer any questions about the gas network upgrade work.

Important information

  • Vehicle access for residents located within the closure site will change as works progress - local signage will keep road users and residents informed.
  • Vehicle access to side roads located within the closure site - access will be maintained; local arrangements will change depending on the location of our work.
  • Bus routes will be impacted - we advise passengers to contact their service provider for the latest updates on changes to services/routes, timetables and bus stop locations.
  • Bin collection - there are no planned changes to bin collection days unless you hear otherwise from your service provider.
  • Emergency Services have been informed of this work and will have contingency plans in place while roads are closed.


We know road closures are disruptive for local communities and residents and can assure you we’ll be doing all we can to complete these essential works without delay.

We’re sorry for any inconvenience these works may cause and thank you for your patience and understanding.