SGN has joined forces with the UK’s other gas networks to publish an industry blueprint for cutting out carbon emissions.
The newly-launched Gas Goes Green programme sees us working in partnership with the Energy Networks Association (ENA), National Grid, Cadent, Northern Gas Networks and Wales & West Utilities to transform the UK’s network into a world-first net zero gas grid.

Gas Goes Green also sets out the innovation needed to reach net zero in the most cost-effective, least disruptive way possible. By repurposing the UK’s existing gas network infrastructure to create a safe, secure future hydrogen and biomethane system, the blueprint outlines the engineering challenges and policy actions that will be key to cutting greenhouse gas emissions from the network.
The programme’s launch report, Delivering the Pathway to Net Zero, is available to download now, detailing the programme’s vision, workstreams, and each partner’s role. We will help guide the transition as part of the programme’s steering group, as well as leading three pioneering research projects into hydrogen system development and integration: H100 Fife, Aberdeen Vision, and LTS Future.
The programme’s short-term aims include developing plans for hydrogen integration, assessing storage and the role of clean gas in transport, and demonstrating the impact of previous and existing work towards cutting carbon emissions. Longer term, the programme will work towards implementing carbon capture, utilisation and storage, rolling out larger-scale extensions of pilot projects, and eventually integrate low-carbon gases completely.
"Working in partnership with the UK’s other gas distribution networks, we’re committed to providing a safe, smart, gas system that delivers green energy to the millions of homes, businesses and industries that depend on us," says Angus McIntosh, our Director of Energy Futures.
“By working together to evidence our common pathway to decarbonisation, we can share effort and learning, maximise resources, and go greener faster.”
Our Innovation Projects
We’re leading a trio of pioneering research projects that are helping the UK take strides towards decarbonising the gas network. The Aberdeen Vision project is aiming to gradually increase the amount of hydrogen in the network in the north-east of Scotland, before fully transitioning to a hydrogen system for the city of Aberdeen. In Levenmouth, H100 Fife aims to connect thousands of homes and businesses to a network where hydrogen is generated by clean offshore wind power. And the LTS Future project is investigating whether existing oil and gas infrastructure can be repurposed for transporting captured CO2 or liquid hydrogen – speeding up the transition to a clean network.