Launching SGN Parents and Carers, our newest colleague network

13 Jun 2024
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Lucy O'Rourke, Lead Recruiter and Chair of SGN Parents & Carers network, in black and white next to the network's logo

As part of Carers Week, we’re proud to be launching our newest network for colleagues, SGN Parents and Carers. It’s our sixth colleague network and sits alongside Ability @ SGN, Military @ SGN, SGN Pride, SGN Race Equality Network and Women @ SGN to provide support for our people with a range of characteristics and identities.

Lead Recruiter Lucy O'Rourke tells us about why she’s delighted to be chairing our SGN Parents and Carers and why the network is personally so important to her.

Our network’s aim is to support SGN employees in balancing their careers and parenting responsibilities. I’m passionate about this because, as a single parent, I understand how challenging it can be to achieve that balance.

Twelve years ago, I found myself a single mum with two young boys. Blake, my eldest, was in primary school, and Hunter, my youngest, was in nursery. I was working full-time while juggling parenting, and to be honest, there were some dark times. I worried about money, missing important occasions, and not being a good mum. The guilt was overwhelming.

Over the years, I found my rhythm, but even now, the responsibility can sometimes knock me off my feet, bringing back doubts and guilt.

In addition to my own experience, through having a niece with a disability, I understand the challenges of working while caring for a loved one.

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A young girl sitting on a young boy's lap on a bean bag in a garden

Lucy's son Hunter with his cousin Nanci

My niece, Nanci, was born with a rare genetic disorder called Mowat-Wilson Syndrome, which affects her mobility and learning capabilities. My sister works part-time and cares for Nanci, and my dad is a registered caregiver to provide the 24-hour care Nanci needs and to help give my sister the freedom from living with someone with constant needs.

I see firsthand the struggles and sacrifices they make as a family.

Through SGN Parents and Carers, I hope to provide the support and resources needed to help others navigate these challenges and find a better work-life balance. We want everyone to thrive both in the workplace and in their parenting/caring life and we’re encouraging all parents and carers to get involved.