Are you ready for winter?

31 Oct 2023

Winter can be a difficult time for many people with the cold and unpredictable weather. Our ‘Keeping you safe and warm this winter’ social media campaign aims to help you prepare for winter and ensure your family stays gas safe at home.

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Over the next four months, we’ll be sharing different safety tips and winter wellness advice on our Facebook and Twitter channels. We’ll be covering topics such as how you can ensure your home is gas safe this winter, who you should contact for any gas-related issues and how together we can support the most vulnerable members of our communities during the winter months.

As we look ahead to winter, teams right across our company have also been making extensive preparations to keep your gas flowing safely and reliably in the months to come.

With most of our network buried underground, our pipes are well protected against harsh winter weather. However, adverse weather conditions can make it difficult for our engineers to continue planned network upgrade, connection and maintenance work, as well as impacting on travel for our front-line engineers responding to gas emergencies.

To ensure we’re able to operate as normal, we’ve been taking extra steps to prepare ourselves and our network for winter weather

For more advice on how to prepare your home and family for winter, visit our Be winter ready information page and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.