For the third year, we’ve published our gender pay gap report. We’re committed to creating a more gender-balanced company and we’re continuously looking at ways we can level the playing field for women interested in joining us and progressing their careers. Our report showcases the fantastic initiatives we have already put in place, as well as what we intend to do going forward.
Our gender pay gap for 2019 for SGN Group is 9.1% in favour of males and the median is 14.1%, both of which have increased slightly on last year. However, it still falls below the national mean gender pay gap of 13.1% and median pay gap of 17.3%.
Gender pay reporting is a legal requirement for organisations with over 250 employees to publish details of the gap in pay and bonuses between their male and female employees. We have published our report as originally planned, despite the Government’s current suspension of gender pay gap reporting due to COVID-19.
Our own headline results are shown below or you can read the full report here.

2019 Gender Pay Gap report headline figures
Kate Naylor, our HR & Services Director, said: “Over the last few years we’ve been building a strong foundation aligned to our commitment of creating a more diverse and inclusive environment. It’s going to take considerable time before we see a difference in our gender pay gap; there are no quick wins.”
“We’re proud of the work we’ve done so far and continue to do. This is a long-term journey and we have changed the way we are doing things – our senior leadership, the Board and our employees are committed to making a difference.”