When to call SGN

If the work you're planning to do will break ground in some way, then you need to contact SGN on 0800 912 1722 before you start. Here are some examples:

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Ditching, digging and building
  • Building
  • Forestry (new planting)
  • Drainage
  • Ditching
  • Building a fence
  • Solar farms
  • Wind farms
  • Poly tunnels
  • Ditch maintenance/clearing

However, when you're doing routine agricultural work which doesn't break ground, you don't need to call us. Here are some examples:

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Grazing, silage and hedge trimming
  • Grazing
  • Silage
  • Hedge trimming

Remember, for anything other than routine agricultural cultivation, we want to know about it. Please don't start your work without calling us first.

We want to help keep you safe and will visit your site free of charge to help you plan. In fact, any work which breaks ground within three metres of our pipelines must be directly supervised by us.

If you're in doubt about whether you should call us, stop, pick up the phone and dial 0800 912 1722. Our Plant Location team and pipeline officers will be happy to help.